
The Blowflies  play their own brand of powerful melodic original rock.

The band originally formed in the late 90’s with Neil Robertson and Peter Deske coming together with their songwriting abilities, immediately proving to be a strong writing partnership.

The line up has developed over several years, originally having a guitar based sound with huge guitar lead breaks. As time has progressed, with the band working throughout Melbourne playing to a faithful following, the line up of today has emerged into a more commercial based sound, featuring huge vocals and harmonies, but maintaining driving, solid beats.

The Blowflies have released two CD’s, the first being the full length album Buzz’ and the second being their self titled EP ‘The Blowflies’.

The band is currently working around Melbourne on a weekly basis and is drawing good size crowds to the venues. They are also currently working towards a national tour and have gained some air play on Triple M, 2 Day FM (Sydney) and also on Russ Kellett’s Breaky show 97.1 3MDR FM, where you can hear the Blowflies weekly through the support of Russ Kellett, who is a major supporter of original Australian music.

Currently the Blowflies are in the studio recording their next album. This will feature the collaborative writing of Alisa Groves and also Janine Marshall’s first foray with the Blowflies in a recording studio.

The new CD should be released in the next few months. The CD will feature
‘I Fall Down’
, a song that is knocking them over live.

The Blowflies enjoy the support of drum retailer Drumtek and audio retailer Hi-Tek, both in High Street, Northcote.

  "The Blowflies will blow you away." - Russ Kellett, DJ 3MDR 97.1

See The CD's Page to download an MP3 of  "Tired of Living", the first track on the EP

©Copyright2000 The Blowflies.