CD Releases


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Tired of living Mp3
Size : 1,352 kb

First Album "BUZZ" - 10 Tracks

To View Lyrics
Click on Song Titles
1.   Circus
2.   Spirit
3.   Gold Mine
4.   Judgement Day
5.   Solar Wind
6.   Venus
7.   Cloud
8.   Forcefield
9.   Time
10.  Shoot the Laser

Self Titled EP - 4 Tracks

To View Lyrics
Click on Song Titles

1.   Tired of Living
2.   It's Called Love
3.   Who's in my Place
4.   Phobia


New CD currently in Production for Y2k release


To Buy or listen to the blowflies Click HERE

The Blowflies are proud to announce its affiliation with ChaosMusic . Chaos Music is Australia’s highest traffic music website.

All Blowflies CDs will be listed on the chaos web site Which will make it easy for you to scrutinize the music you buy,or MP3 downloads

Both of these Cds are available for sale through the
Chaos Music Web site

To Buy or listen to the blowflies Click



©Copyright2000 The Blowflies.